Image of the designer Nicole How, long black hair tan hoodie and white shirt

Hey there, I'm Nicole How👋


A designer and closet gamer and I have been chasing creativity for as long as I can remember. This passion has evolved into a dedicated pursuit of creating engaging, human-centric, and interactive user experiences one pixel at a time. When I'm not designing, you'll find me gaming or giving into my bubble tea addiction. There is also the off chance I am outside exploring the local trails.

Check my resume and contact me via LinkedIn or email [email protected]
Scalable design systems that are both functional and fashionable.
Informed Design
Intentional design backed up by research and user behavior.
Rapid Prototyping
Testing and validating throughout the design process craft the UX.
Ensuring usability for everyone and improve user satisfaction.

My Tools 🛠️

Tools Nicole How uses, Figma, iconTools Nicole How uses, Adobe Illustrator, iconTools Nicole How uses, Adobe inDesign, iconTools Nicole How uses, Adobe Photoshop, iconTools Nicole How uses, Adobe Premiere Pro, iconTools Nicole How uses, Adobe Acrobat, iconTools Nicole How uses, Pinterest, iconTools Nicole How uses, Notion, iconTools Nicole How uses, Google Drive, iconTools Nicole How uses, Discord, iconTools Nicole How uses, github, iconTools Nicole How uses, Microsoft 365, icon